© 2022 Stacey Lane
Synopsis A gift tempts a man to take a look inside while his girlfriend is in the other room. Initially the boyfriend is hesitant, but the gift charms him into giving her a shake. He hears nothing, so he still has no clue what the gift bag might contain. The gift taunts him further. She points out that without peeking, he will not know how much his girlfriend expects him to spend on her present. The boyfriend succumbs to his curiosity and pulls down the gift’s tissue paper to have a look. He finds an appalling sweater. Her poor present selection leads him to believe that his girlfriend doesn’t really know him at all.
To preview Peek or obtain production rights, please contact Stacey@StaceyLaneInk.com.
Production History Toy Boat Productions Happy F@*#ing Holidays Show Portland, OR Eclectic Theatre Company Got a Minute? Sarasota, FL Ampersand Theatre Company Holiday Variety Show New York, NY Spare Change Theatre In a New York Minute: Holiday Edition New York, NY NativeAliens Theatre Collective Holiday Jubilee New York, NY Gateway Film Center Frogs with Fangs Columbus, OH Unity Stage Company Figgy Pudding Short Play Fest Queens, NY Gateway Film Center Holiday Frogs with Fangs Columbus, OH Columbus Arts Festival Franklinton Theatre Columbus, OH Actors’ Theatre of Columbus Schiller Park Amphitheatre Columbus, OH
Matthew Corr-Addington and Lauren Kampf in Peek at NativeAliens Theatre Collective in New York, New York. Directed by Nick Safille. Photographer: Alan Monroe.
Character Descriptions Gift a sultry woman dressed as a glitzy present Chris the recipient-to-be of the Gift
Running Time: 1 minute Set: living room (interior unit) Cast: 1 M, 1 F